The Guide to Practical and Pragmatic IT Architecture Design

Architecture Frameworks Comparison

There are obviously other architecture frameworks that have been evolving over time. Most well known frameworks are such as TOGAF and ZACHMAN. These are good frameworks. However, there are differences in the focus and scope how these frameworks copes with IT and technology architecture. 


The most known architecture framework is TOGAF that is a framework for developing and governing an enterprise architecture. It consists of a detailed method and a set of supporting assets and it is supported by the Open Group that is a vendor and technology neutral consortium focused on open standards and global interoperability. In 2009, TOGAF 9 was released which had significant advancements compared to previous version of TOGAF. It can be used freely by any organization that is looking for support to develop and maintain an enterprise architecture for use within its company. 

However, if you have to design an application IT architecture, TOGAF has gaps in its approach and guidance how to design specific application and technology architectures. As TOGAF is an enterprise architecture framework, technology and IT architecture are just a small part of this practice. TOGAF does not address how to analyze, design and build technology and IT architectures with its services and components, nor its required development and operations capabilities. It provides a metamodel and taxonomy, but if you have to design a specific application architecture, TOGAF does not provide a descriptive model with required capabilities, tools nor specific approach to do that.   
If you have to design an IT and technology architecture for a specific application, TOGAF does not provide the specific guidance and you need a prescriptive framework like described in this site to analyze and design the solution.
TOGAF Framework lacks

So, the IT Framework that is described in this site does help and focuses on the analysis and design of the IT and technology architecture of a specific application. This framework is complements TOGAF and makes it more complete and is fully compatible.


Another popular framework is ZACHMAN framework. Zachman Framework™ is a schema that analyzes on the What, How, When, Who, Where, and Why questions in a solution. This framework labels its fases as: Identification, Definition, Representation, Specification, Configuration and Instantiation. It is a very good and detailed model and approach how to design systems, but when to start with a design, it may be a bit overwhelming and requiring information that is not always needed to design a good architecture. 

Zachman Framework

But if you need to start quickly, Zachman may be too profound. The framework described in this site is a lightweight model and methodology that ensures that an application and technology architecture can be designed properly according to its requirements and specifications.    

There are other IT frameworks, but most of them focus on enterprise architecture or larger profound models than the framework described here. To review each of them goes beyond the scope of this post. 


As a summary, there are many different frameworks in place. They are good frameworks, and most of these do focus on design and manage overall enterprise architectures within companies or are much broader aligned to a profound analysis of all aspects in system design. 

The framework described here in this site is a simple lightweight  framework that provides a prescriptive model, taxonomy, methodology and process to analyze and design technology and IT architecture of a solution without having to invest in detailed models. 

It is a lightweight IT Architecture framework that is easy to use, practical and pragmatic based on 25+ years of architecture design experience.   

IT Architecture Framework


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